Friday, November 12, 2010

I take it back; YOU'RE ALL DOOMED

This is what happens when you let my sister cook.

Dear Bloggery,

Remember the US elections that took place recently? No, me neither. It just so happens to turn out that during that historic election (Aren't they all?) that there was also a public vote to legalize marijuana in California. As you can imagine, California, the bastion of progressive thought, did the only thing they could do in good conscience: keep marijuana banned. They just came together and said "Well, people are selling this openly already, and it's completely medically harmless, and it can even help people. We need to make sure this stays illegal." and they did. GOOD FOR THEM.

Actually, what really happened is the pot-smokers were too stoned to remember it was election day, and didn't vote.

Good job. Democracy wins again; suck it, Castro.

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least Alvin Greene didn't win. THAT would've been nuts.
