Friday, October 14, 2016

Conor McGregor Challenges Entire Nation of Russia To Fight

When it comes to iconic prize fighters, there is a short list of greats: Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, Danny Bonaduce, and Conor McGregor. The hot-spoken Irishman has become a superstar from his 'gift of gab', but he may have bit off more than he could chew this week when he called out the Russian Federation to a fight. Last Thursday, McGregor told reporters, "I feel as though I can take of this Russia situation with a left uppercut to the jaw. I foresee Russia falling in the second round of the fight, yeh."

Russian citizens are concerned about the developing situation. Sergey Ulanov, a steel worker in Rostov, Russia, spoke to our field reporters, saying, "Russia not scared of fight. Russia strong.", adding, "This man is speaking but he not action man."

McGregor fired back on Twitter, saying: "These people tink it is all talk. But when teh entire nation of Russia is standin' across the cage from me, tey will see it is not all talk. Fook all of 'em, and fook Vladimir Putin too!" When asked by Ulanov's comments, McGregor replied, "Who da fook is dat? I'll whup 'is ass too, and I'll whup 'is whole family's ass, kids n' everyting, I don't give a fook."

Russia President Vladimir Putin has issued a statement, saying: "Conor McGregor must respect the sovereignty of the Russian people, and I would advise him against using such provocative rhetoric. I am prepared to use military force, if necessary, to defend the interests of the Russia people."

When President Putin was asked if he would consider nuking Conor McGregor, he simply replied, "Da."

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